Monday, February 23, 2009

WLD Uniform..................

This time let us discuss about WLD uniform. My 1st impression.........isn't that Dragon I (a famous shang hai chain store restaurant) uniform???

Lets talk about the price, Retail price is RM88, but for those who are studying in Private school, i am sorry to inform you that he is charging you RM128, yeap, damn right......extra RM40 just because CB wong thinks you are richer. After all, it's his job to suck people money $$. SO, do you think it's worth it? Or do you think you even need it?? By the way, the coaches earn RM8 from each uniform sold, so let's guess again who benefit the most. Maybe the reason it's so expensive is because, after you quit WLD, you can go work as part time in Dragon I.

Normally how wushu practioners wear, they only wear shorts or long track bottoms and a t-shirt, a of course not to forget the famous Fei Yue. Only during competition, we wear wushu silks uniform. When you were that WLD, you feel like training in the steam room. Some may like it, some may not. Well, sweating wasn't a bad thing. But the real problem is, it keeps you from moving freely, look at the size of that uniform. gosh!!!! Fugly and Useless. I rather buy nike. click on the link to check a sample video of people training wushu and watch what they wear

1 more thing i really cannot tahan him, always tell people. We practice martial arts, must have uniform, it is our pride and dignity ( well, i doubt that if he even know what that means) When we do WLD, we wear our uniform, it will make you feel so proud and good ( maybe waiter from Dragon I feel even better with their uniform )

Once again, people out there. Please comment


  1. WOW!! Is that true that it's a Dragon-i uniform?? I'll check and see.. As far as i know (eventhough i don't play wushu), most of the players only wear t-shirt and long pants or a silk-like.. Don't they have it?? But, the uniform do look like Taekwondo uniform to me... Where it has been coloured "RED" and "BLACK" and with a colourful belt on... Is he teaching new version of taekwondo or wushu?

  2. lol....Dragon I's uniform oso not so exp la...
    CB wong so like eat money de...

  3. where u get that photo lol..

  4. tat 1 inside that photo is tat "CB WONG"??

    oo... pity face...

    u noe....tis blog realli give fun for me within my office least the news here is better than the newspaper tat i seen jus now...hahaha... thx for the host.... thx for CB WONG. 我是真心的....

  6. Maybe Dragon-I workers can get some price cuts for WLD lesson fees?
    Or maybe WLD students can get special discounts for Dragon-I meals?
    haha...nice entry anyways...XD

  7. im a wushu athlete... according to my knowledge of tis wushudao,tis wushudao did not teach a traditional wushu... those things dat they teach was ROJAK!!! a ROJAK of taekwando,karate and many many more... that attire is nt a real wushu attire... and a wushu does not seperate any colour of the belt... tis stupid,crazy master thought he very GENG... create a stupid martial art to suck peoples money... WAT THE HELD!!! he does nt respect to those peoples that created wushu, taekwando, karate n others!!!! WAT THE HELD!!!!

  8. rojak nt gud meh ?
    aiya ..
    oso wushu nia ma ..
    same same de la ..
    if u dun happy ..
    den learn jor wushu go learn other things lo ..
    no big deal la ..
