Sunday, February 15, 2009


Below is a comparison of Wushu and WLD

, also known as modern wushu or contemporary wushu, is both an exhibition and a full-contact sport derived from traditional Chinese martial arts. It was created in the People's Republic of ChinA after 1949, in an attempt to nationalize the practice of traditional Chinese martial arts. Most of the modern competition forms (套路 taolu) were formed from their parent arts (see list below) by government-appointed committee.

WLD is a combination of martial art which involve self-defence, wrestling, boxing, Thai-boxing, grappling, free sparring or Sanshou, traditional pattern, foundation of International Compulsory Pattern, which is developing rapidly in Malaysia. WLD emphasizes the art of free sparring or Sanshou, apart from the set of fixed movements which is commonly called pattern or Taolu.

Wushu Events

I am not going to describe in details because most people know Wushu better. If you really want to Know more, go wikipedia search wushu
  • Short Weapons
    • Dao (single-edged sword)
    • Jian (double-edged sword)
    • 太極劍 Taijijian (Taiji double-edged sword)
    • 南刀 Nandao (Southern single-edged sword)
  • Long Weapons
  • Sanda/ Sanshou ( Wushu Sparring)
WLD Events

Barehands : The founder of WLD created 8 pattern himself ( about the founder, i ll write about him in the next blog), he learned TKD, Karate, Akido and many other martial arts before, but didnt really achieve much, or else he wont be jumping from 1 martial arts to the other so often, or maybe he wants to be the next bruce lee. The pattern are name after the organisation name, so i am only going to call it WLD 1, WLD 2, WLD 3...........WLD 8
And WLD also teach Sanda, which is the only thing recognize by Wushu Federation of Malaysia.

Major Competitions

List of major international and regional competitions featuring wushu:

National level competitions featuring wushu:
  • Sukma
  • National Wusuh championships
  • National Junior Wushu Championships

Basically, If u learn WLD, you also can take part in those competition above, but............ only in Sanda event. The thing is , not every major competition has sanda event, and sanda event is only for age 15 and above.
If you ask why i can't join WLD pattern, is because it is not recognise. WLD pattern are created by the founder, therefore only recognise by him and his organissation. afterall, who is he anyway?


Since 1998 the Chinese Wushu Association together with the National Sport Commission and the Chinese Wushu Research Institute has established a graduation system based on nine Duan levels:

Symbol: Duan Wei (level)

Beginning Level:

So-called basic duans for students with some years of experience.

1. Qingying—yi duan: Blue Eagle
2. Yinying—er duan: Silver Eagle
3. Jinying—san duan: Gold Eagle

Intermediate Level:

Middle-level duans for wushu students who are able to teach and have approximately 10 years wushu experience. Starting from 5th Duan there has to be proof of a scientific work in wushu research, i.e. publications.

4. Qinghu—si duan: Blue Tiger
5. Yinhu—wu duan: Silver Tiger
6. Jinhu—liu duan: Gold Tiger

Advanced Level:

Advanced level is only awarded to very experienced masters with excellent reputation in Wushu. The person awarded such a Duan is officially allowed to call himself "Grand Master".

7. Qinglong—qi duan: Blue Dragon
8. Yinlong—ba duan: Silver Dragon
9. Jinlong—jiu duan: Gold Dragon

White Belt Grade Ten
Yellow Belt Grade Nine
Green Belt Grade Eight
Orange Belt Grade Seven
Blue Belt Grade Six
Purple Belt Grade Five
Brown Belt Grade Four
Pink Belt Grade Three
Red Belt Grade Two
Black Belt Grade One

Black Belt 1st Degree
Black Belt 2nd Degree
Black Belt 3rd Degree
Black Belt 4th Degree
Black Belt 5th Degree
Black Belt 6th Degree
Black Belt 7th Degree
Black Belt 8th Degree
Black Belt 9th Degree

Is true that wushu has no belts with colour, so people stop asking this question. Even if you achieve black belt 100th degree, it is still only be recognise by WLD. Nobody will care. Go to China and tell those SIFU, "i am WLD black belt", you are lucky if they dont kick you and just laugh. Sad to tell those WLD Black belt out there, U spend time and money on someting only recognise by WLD. who actually benefit fr it, the founder of cos.

P/S: to parents out there, if you just found out this and you think your son or daughter has reach a very high level in WLD, and you want them to continue because of the black belt, i really have to tell you wat i think. You are wasting ur money and ur children time.
example 1 : if 1 day u sent ur children to a college and didnt know that college wasnt recognise by any1, even though ur children have 1 more semester to finish her study. will you still ask him/her to finish her study there?
example 2 : u sent your kids to a primary school, then 1 day u find out they are not teaching UPSR syllabus, they are teaching something they created and only recognise by themselves. U think is a good idea to continue studying there?


  1. well, mayb WLD is trying to create a new system or smnthing and in the same time, earn some extra bucks.
    although i'm not sure if they are creating a right system or not??!

  2. better not creating new system or something...dis will getting more worst..
    besides..use bac traditional wushu is better

  3. walao...
    lucky i learning wushu...
    love wushu taolu too much

  4. traditional wushu is the best... wushudaois the worst...

  5. wushudao is teaching things like wushu .
    it already state WLD is a self defense with many kind of self defense mixing up .
