Monday, February 16, 2009

The Founder of WLD

Hail to the CB Wong.........................wait, u don't know him? OMG, he is the mighty founder of WLD. The person below is Bruce Lee, not CB Wong
I'm sure he is a big fan of Bruce Lee, why? just read on.

1st, lets talk about appearance. When you 1st meet him, don't bother guessing his age, no one can ever get it right nor anyone will actually believe his actual age. He is a 29 who looks like 39 (don't want to write too old, must give face, he is the founder of WLD). And not to forget his trademark, his mustache which make small children cry n tag him as a bad uncle. Lets not blame him for looking like that, is not his fault after all, but it is his fault if he go out and scare people. It does make sense why he has so many nick name, reader please write it in the comment if you know any.

Lets not focus too much on how he looks because i can actually write a topic about it which i dont really want to do so.

He learned many type of martial arts before, for example, Taekwondo, Karate, Akido........... but i have no idea how well he did. maybe the readers can tell me. Before he create WLD, he was in a martial art organisation call WU**. Due to some reason, he left on the year 2004 ( some of the WU** coach confirm this), rumour says is money issue. i have no idea, thats why i hope readers out there can provide some info.

He had won 2 times National Wushu championship malaysia Sanda gold medal, so lets assume he is a expert in Sanda. That was during his years in WU**. Sanda is all he is good at and thats all, he knows nothing about wushu taolu. if anyone is going to ask him perform Chang quan and he said ok, pls record and share with us, that will be super interesting.

When he left WU**, he wanted to prove he can create another bigger and stronger organisation, therefore.........ta da.....WLD. I suppose he hold a strong grudge against WU**. Actually when he left, i don't think any of his students actually follow him.

He created the 8 WLD pattern base on what he learn before. So dont be too surprise if it looks like TKD, Karate, Akido or Wushu. He really mix it up very well. thats why some people call it "ROJAK".

Isn't it obvious he admire Bruce lee by doing what his idol did, but not only he look nothing like his idol ( i mean his physical appearance, many bruce lee fans out there at least have nice abs, he only have bigger tummy as time goes by) Wheter he is qualify to create a martial art of his own, you just have to judge that by yourself. I'll try to post some WLD Vid.

And 1 more thing i personally don't like about him, he really talk big. For example, he said he want to promote his WLD to whole wolrd, even 1 day China also got people learn WLD. For those who learn martial arts out there will die laughing on the floor when they hear this.
He also claim their club is growing rapidly around malaysia, that is crap, they are only active in certain Klang Valley area.
In last year WLD competition, they claim to have 400 contestant, that is a huge lie. Including the audience, staff and contestant, there is not even half of the No. he claim. By the way, those who compete and won in the competition, dont be too happy,k because those medals are only recognise by WLD. And dont bother to prove it to other people if they ask aboutit by showing them what you did to win the competition, if they learn wushu before, they'll roll on the floor and laugh. WLD pattern are created by CB wong, nobody recognise it.

There is a lot of phrase he likes to use when he talk to his students, here are some exmple :
  • "you must continue learn WLD, Cause you are (colour ) belt already, if stop now, very wasted" ( who cares about the belt, Wushu has no belts with colour)
  • "WLD is also Wushu, is same one" ( my ass, since when a proton with BMW sport rim is called BMW)
  • "after learning WLD, you all must take exam every 3 months" (he actually force his caoch to make their pupil take exam, even as a coach also got sales target to hit. since he claim he is the head judge of WLD, guess who benefit if more people take part in grading)
If i have to go on, is really not going to stop. why not you readers out there give comment.


  1. I DON'T really know how the WLD pattern look like,but is like TKD and 散手(shan shou)
    This is NOT WUSHU!!!

  2. lol, nice pic, after looking at the pic, i am sure what is WLD.
    Thank God i'm learning wushu, i follow the right person.
    i really pity those who dunno the truth.

  3. I heard this years there is few school stop them bcos sum1 go n tell the school that they dont teach Wushu, isit true?

  4. How can those under him can be so naive? Even there's a saying "Looks doesn't matter" but when you know him longer... Then another saying will come "Picture paints a thousand words". It paints on his face. When the first time i saw him, with the mustache on him, he looks like a "hamsap", dirty-minded, bad person, and looks like those who will "eat" you up and yet you don't even know that he already "eat" you up... and yet letting him to "eat" you.. Oh well... If i see him often, he'll get even looks scarier.. Are you serious? He's 29?? OMG!! I thought he's an uncle to me.. Look so much elder than me.

  5. haha...
    laughing on the floor again ready...
    now just 29 year old nia?
    aiyoyo...look like can do uncle ready lor

  6. (reply Wushu 4ever)
    i heard about tis guy before.
    seems like he still teaching those rojak now right? dunno issit the same person anot,coz tat guy i regconize never learn wushu taolu before,he onli learned san shou,taekwando,judo,and other martial arts.then he combine all the skill together,campur sini...campur sana..... BOOM!! "WULINDAO" appear^^ hahahaha!..

  7. he onli noe how to teach sumthings he create by himself but not wushu....

  8. reply i'm not gay....

    not wulindao
    'mou liu dou'..hahaha..

    he jus knw wushu basic..others from TKD, Karate, Akido....mayb he want to do japan version of bruce lee...haha

  9. Founder of WLD = CB wong...

    the 1 who break WUSHU reputation..!!

    i think WUSHU federation should send letter of demand n claim damage of reputation to him

  10. 告诉武术总会!!!!让武总去收拾这些借用武术名义骗人的骗子

  11. lol! i support!XD

  12. ya... i agree with the anonymous... bt actually 武术总会 is planning to stop them...

  13. walao .
    stop WLD ?
    i jz plan 2 take major grading 2morrow leh
