Sunday, February 15, 2009

purpose of this blog

Ok, this blog was created to return justice to Wushu as there is organisation out there using the name of Wushu to do things that are not actually Wushu.
But is still up to you readers out there to judge by yourselve, cause is your choice to belive it or not. After all , the truth is out there.
1st of all, let us understand what is Wushu. I am not going to explain too much about it here, Cause internet is a 1 of humans best creation. Just type Wushu and search, you can find ton's of info. To make your life easier, go to this website. the info is pretty detail
I am going to refer the organisation as "WLD". WLD claim that they teach wushu, n this is how they describe themselve
"WLD is a combination of martial art which involve self-defence, wrestling, boxing, Thai-boxing, grappling, free sparring or Sanshou, traditional pattern, foundation of International Compulsory Pattern, which is developing rapidly in Malaysia. WLD emphasizes the art of free sparring or Sanshou, apart from the set of fixed movements which is commonly called pattern or Taolu."
They are not even growing rapidly in Malaysia, only in klang valley area.

So people will ask, is Wushu and WLD the same?
Let me give you a clearer picture: lets say Wushu is a car call BMW, there is this guy who think that if i can sell BMW, i m sure i can make a lot of money too, but too bad, he cant make BMW, so he invented another car call WLD with lots of cheap spare parts, in order to attract people come and buy his car, he add BMW sport rim to his WLD and claim "hey look, i also got BMW, is same one, buy my car"

For those who are familiar with cars, they can tell WLD is no where close to BMW. But who those who dont know cars very well, they will get confuse.

Thats why a lot people out there who don't really learn martial arts will think WLD is Wushu. And for those who are learning WLD, i am so sorry to tell you, you are not learning Wushu as they claim.
In my next blog, i ll put up a comparison chart of Wushu and WLD


  1. if I want to buy a BMW, I would definitely go for the real thing
    instead of the so-called BMW and of course,
    that goes for other things as well.

  2. You are damn right..
    Totally agree what you said.. :)

  3. I rather get an ORIGINAL BMW!! Siao ah!! Tell people that i'm driving a BMW but actually it's a Proton with BMW logo or whatever (BMW spare parts)... This will only make people go lol.. and memalukan sendiri.. This is like playing soccer but with basket ball rules and regulations.. Hmm.. Sounds weird...

  4. haha...
    i laugh still now...
    i want drive original BMW!!!!
    Anti translate

  5. damn ==
    learn karate n taewondo
    there r sometime same inside oso
    no big deal
