Tuesday, February 17, 2009

WLD News Update!!!!!

I receive another mail from the same anonymous reader who send me the info about Wushu syllabus. He want me to reveal something for him, and i think is quite a serious matter. Since i don't really like WLD, i am happy to do so. Below is the e-mail he sent me:

"I was aWLD coach, but i left due to many reasons, mainly because i am a Wushu Taolu Coach but WLD is not promoting Wushu all this years. When the founder found out that i actually plan to leave, he just cut me off without any notice by sending another coach to the school i am in charge. I was dissapointed but look at the brght side, leaving WLD wasn't a bad choice. The nightmare only started when i left, he start sending me letter of demand stating that i didn't give him the money i collect from the student. That is so untrue, the accountant and all my payment voucher can prove that. He actually demanded almost RM30,000 from me. Enough about me, cos i dnt think that is so important at the moment. My main concern now is that 1 of the school in puchong i used to in-charge knows that after i left, no 1 in WLD is able to teach taolu, so they request me to find another coach for them. Of cos i recommend some1 who really qualify, therefore DBB is in charge. The reason i cannot go back n teach is bcos i had the money issue with WLD, the school cannot tell if that is true or not, n most importantly they dont 1 2 cause any problem, dats y they ask me intro other coach.
When WLD find out DBB is there, he straight awayn find the head of DBB n pressure him. Eventually DBB have to give up, not oni i m dissapointed wif DBB decision, the school oso felt the same way too, cos they really support DBB, but they decide to back off in order to avoid conflict wif WLD.
So now the school is stuck and dunno wat to do. I oso dunno wat to do. Mayb sum1 out ther can help me n the school."

I am not surprise, that is just so CB wong. I pity the student, because they are innocent. All they want is just to learn wushu. Thanks to our mighty CB wong. If you are one of the victim, please voice out. Together we can find a solution, i really hope so.


  1. If you (WLD) thinks that you can't teach the real wushu, please steps aside. Don't let the students be the victims here. All they need is learning ORIGINAL wushu. People are getting to involve in wushu these days. But why you (WLD) made everything become so horrible and irritating to the students, the parents, the teachers, the school, the wushu lovers, etc. They will be dissappointed with wushu learning in the future. You are such a disgrace to the wushu fed. Hmm.. You (WLD) can't be consider part of the wushu member. Anyway, RM30k is alot. I'm wondering... Being a wushu coach has a higher pay than being a manager? WOW!!

  2. so greed man....

    haiz, my skul suffers too...
    i'm now form 5....coz not scare lol...
    but my junior..kolian lo...
    register fees+monthly fees+uniform fees...
    exp man...
    hope 1 day can unite wif juniors and 2gether quit lol...T.T

  3. send sarcastic letter to school?
    or giv dis blog to school?
    y dun tell wushu foundation? hav a meeting?
    vote to kik out WLD?..or let the student vote...

    y dun tell wushu foundation?..'WLD cannot be accepted in the world of wushu'...

  4. finally this case is settle
    kid, which school u fr?

  5. hei, sir..Kid is the tall thin boy..remember?or have you forgotten us?sad..oh ya, I MISS YOU!!!The new sir IS ok.. but dun know la..Nothing real fun..stretching only all the time.. Even though you have a murderous streak in you, i still like you better..haha..
    To tell the truth, the thing I want to learn most is more in agility.. I want to flip and flip till i puke.. Front flip, back flip.. And I also want to learn playing with weapons.. Woods especially..hehe..anyway, good luck with you Wushu No Dao campaign..

    p/s : The blog's nice..XD

  6. pass o.sir teo lo...now new 1 call des o...
    teach 2 weeks d...still strecthing...
    i feel like i'm a newbie =.=

  7. haha...blurby the monkey..

    u kno who am i??oh no...gonna delete acc d...hahaha

    then..who r u?

  8. he duno who are u..haha


  10. I am one of the victims you mentioned above.
    Ya, I am sick of the WLD system.
    I don't care what sanda champion he was, but it is a shame for him creating a "wushu" organisation while can explain nothing about wushu to us.
    Really hope it when someday, someone can actually report about his misleading issue to the media and "save" more people from him...

  11. Master wong isn't someone like this .
