Monday, March 2, 2009

If Wushu Got Dao ( If I Were A Boy )

I was Damn pissed with what CB Wong did today, but we are gentlemen. We shouldn't argue with the barbarian, but thanks to him, he inspire me to write a lyrics for him using Beyonce- if i were a boy. thanks to also, i also like their version of If I were the boss. Here you go

If Wushu Got Dao
Even just for a day
Then I have to go for training
And wear the stupid uniform

Yam Yong Pao Kap Chui
And Taekwondo kicks
Campur Karate Punches
And rojak is what u learn from them
Is really rubbish

If Wushu got Dao
Then it’s not Wushu
So please don’t confuse people
And make your student suffer again

Wushu got no belts
You can check on the net
S eleven is all they wanted
Cos his civic need installment
And everything you learn is bull shit

If Wushu got dao
Then hotdog has dog
Cibai Wong has a moustache
That make all the kids stay at home

Money comes in 1st
Faster buy uniform
Don’t forget to take the exam
So civic can become accord

Monday, February 23, 2009

WLD Uniform..................

This time let us discuss about WLD uniform. My 1st impression.........isn't that Dragon I (a famous shang hai chain store restaurant) uniform???

Lets talk about the price, Retail price is RM88, but for those who are studying in Private school, i am sorry to inform you that he is charging you RM128, yeap, damn right......extra RM40 just because CB wong thinks you are richer. After all, it's his job to suck people money $$. SO, do you think it's worth it? Or do you think you even need it?? By the way, the coaches earn RM8 from each uniform sold, so let's guess again who benefit the most. Maybe the reason it's so expensive is because, after you quit WLD, you can go work as part time in Dragon I.

Normally how wushu practioners wear, they only wear shorts or long track bottoms and a t-shirt, a of course not to forget the famous Fei Yue. Only during competition, we wear wushu silks uniform. When you were that WLD, you feel like training in the steam room. Some may like it, some may not. Well, sweating wasn't a bad thing. But the real problem is, it keeps you from moving freely, look at the size of that uniform. gosh!!!! Fugly and Useless. I rather buy nike. click on the link to check a sample video of people training wushu and watch what they wear

1 more thing i really cannot tahan him, always tell people. We practice martial arts, must have uniform, it is our pride and dignity ( well, i doubt that if he even know what that means) When we do WLD, we wear our uniform, it will make you feel so proud and good ( maybe waiter from Dragon I feel even better with their uniform )

Once again, people out there. Please comment

Saturday, February 21, 2009

WLD, you got served !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regarding the previous case i mentioned, the case finally has a good solution. All i really want to say is, there is still justice out there.
Since DBB was being pressured by the mighty CB Wong, But fortunately there is still people who are not afraid of WLD. Another Club call PS wushu centre has taken over, not only 1 but 2 school, they have prevent the school from falling into the wrong hand, our hero has save the day. And i can imagine our dear CB wong must be having some sleepless night. I don't think he will stop, he will still use his 1 and only most ineffective method, kacau the headmaster and school again and again until the school have to inform the security blocking his car ( which came from the blood money of his victim) entering the school. The most effective way is complain him to the Wushu federation. I heard few school is taking action, so let us get ready our popcorn and wait for the show.

Stay tune for more info on how WLD got be continue

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

WLD News Update!!!!!

I receive another mail from the same anonymous reader who send me the info about Wushu syllabus. He want me to reveal something for him, and i think is quite a serious matter. Since i don't really like WLD, i am happy to do so. Below is the e-mail he sent me:

"I was aWLD coach, but i left due to many reasons, mainly because i am a Wushu Taolu Coach but WLD is not promoting Wushu all this years. When the founder found out that i actually plan to leave, he just cut me off without any notice by sending another coach to the school i am in charge. I was dissapointed but look at the brght side, leaving WLD wasn't a bad choice. The nightmare only started when i left, he start sending me letter of demand stating that i didn't give him the money i collect from the student. That is so untrue, the accountant and all my payment voucher can prove that. He actually demanded almost RM30,000 from me. Enough about me, cos i dnt think that is so important at the moment. My main concern now is that 1 of the school in puchong i used to in-charge knows that after i left, no 1 in WLD is able to teach taolu, so they request me to find another coach for them. Of cos i recommend some1 who really qualify, therefore DBB is in charge. The reason i cannot go back n teach is bcos i had the money issue with WLD, the school cannot tell if that is true or not, n most importantly they dont 1 2 cause any problem, dats y they ask me intro other coach.
When WLD find out DBB is there, he straight awayn find the head of DBB n pressure him. Eventually DBB have to give up, not oni i m dissapointed wif DBB decision, the school oso felt the same way too, cos they really support DBB, but they decide to back off in order to avoid conflict wif WLD.
So now the school is stuck and dunno wat to do. I oso dunno wat to do. Mayb sum1 out ther can help me n the school."

I am not surprise, that is just so CB wong. I pity the student, because they are innocent. All they want is just to learn wushu. Thanks to our mighty CB wong. If you are one of the victim, please voice out. Together we can find a solution, i really hope so.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Wushu Syllabus

Up til now, i have roughly explain about the difference of Wushu and WLD. Thanks to an anonymous reader, he provide me info regarding the Wushu syllabus that are use to teach in Malaysia in order to be a core sport, therefore people who learn Wushu has the opportunity to learn Wushu and take part in competition like Sukma, MSSM, every international Wushu competition. I have translate to english for easier viewing

Dao Shu= Broadsword
Jian Shu= Double Edge Sword

Gun Shu= Staff
Qiang Shu= Spear

Age 7-9
  • Chang Quan Basic Taolu
  • Nan Quan Basic Taolu
  • Dao Shu Basic Taolu
  • Jian Su Basic Taolu
  • Gun Shu Basic Taolu
  • Qiang Shu Basic Taolu
Age 10-12
  • Group C Chang Quan
  • Group C Nan Quan
  • Group C DAo Shu
  • Group C Jian Shu
  • Group C Gun Shu
  • Group C Qiang Shu
Age 13-15
  • Group B Chang Quan
  • Group B Nan Quan
  • Group B Dao Shu
  • Group B Jian Shu
  • Group B Gun Shu
  • Group B Qiang Shu
  • Group B Nan Dao
  • Group B Taichi Quan 24 style
  • Group B Taichi Jian 32 style
Age 16-18
  • Group A Chang Quan
  • Group A Nan Quan
  • Group A Dao Shu
  • Group A Jian Shu
  • Group A Gun Shu
  • Group A Qiang Shu
  • Group A Nan Dao
  • Group A Nan Gun
  • Group A Taichi Quan 42 style
  • Group A Taichi Jian 42 style
Just to confirm few things i also ask do we need to learn everything if i am age 17, do i have to learn everything listed? He said that every participants only take part in 1 barehand, 1 long weapon and 1 short weapon.
For Example:

Chang Quan + Dao Shu + Gun Shu
Chang Quan + Jian Shu + Qiang Shu
Nan Quan + Nan Dao + Nan Gun

Is like picking combo meal in McD, Lol.

For the next post, i am going to show the WLD syllabus. I myself have this info.

Also as a reminder to all of you out there. Currently WLD has no coach that can teach any of those that i mention above. There used to be 1, but he also left WLD. Thats why i am so convinced what u learn in WLD is only basics of the basics, for the time being, you won't be able to learn Wushu taolu in WLD. No Wushu Taolu Coach in Klang Valley area will teach for WLD as they hold a "good" reputation.

The Founder of WLD

Hail to the CB Wong.........................wait, u don't know him? OMG, he is the mighty founder of WLD. The person below is Bruce Lee, not CB Wong
I'm sure he is a big fan of Bruce Lee, why? just read on.

1st, lets talk about appearance. When you 1st meet him, don't bother guessing his age, no one can ever get it right nor anyone will actually believe his actual age. He is a 29 who looks like 39 (don't want to write too old, must give face, he is the founder of WLD). And not to forget his trademark, his mustache which make small children cry n tag him as a bad uncle. Lets not blame him for looking like that, is not his fault after all, but it is his fault if he go out and scare people. It does make sense why he has so many nick name, reader please write it in the comment if you know any.

Lets not focus too much on how he looks because i can actually write a topic about it which i dont really want to do so.

He learned many type of martial arts before, for example, Taekwondo, Karate, Akido........... but i have no idea how well he did. maybe the readers can tell me. Before he create WLD, he was in a martial art organisation call WU**. Due to some reason, he left on the year 2004 ( some of the WU** coach confirm this), rumour says is money issue. i have no idea, thats why i hope readers out there can provide some info.

He had won 2 times National Wushu championship malaysia Sanda gold medal, so lets assume he is a expert in Sanda. That was during his years in WU**. Sanda is all he is good at and thats all, he knows nothing about wushu taolu. if anyone is going to ask him perform Chang quan and he said ok, pls record and share with us, that will be super interesting.

When he left WU**, he wanted to prove he can create another bigger and stronger organisation, therefore.........ta da.....WLD. I suppose he hold a strong grudge against WU**. Actually when he left, i don't think any of his students actually follow him.

He created the 8 WLD pattern base on what he learn before. So dont be too surprise if it looks like TKD, Karate, Akido or Wushu. He really mix it up very well. thats why some people call it "ROJAK".

Isn't it obvious he admire Bruce lee by doing what his idol did, but not only he look nothing like his idol ( i mean his physical appearance, many bruce lee fans out there at least have nice abs, he only have bigger tummy as time goes by) Wheter he is qualify to create a martial art of his own, you just have to judge that by yourself. I'll try to post some WLD Vid.

And 1 more thing i personally don't like about him, he really talk big. For example, he said he want to promote his WLD to whole wolrd, even 1 day China also got people learn WLD. For those who learn martial arts out there will die laughing on the floor when they hear this.
He also claim their club is growing rapidly around malaysia, that is crap, they are only active in certain Klang Valley area.
In last year WLD competition, they claim to have 400 contestant, that is a huge lie. Including the audience, staff and contestant, there is not even half of the No. he claim. By the way, those who compete and won in the competition, dont be too happy,k because those medals are only recognise by WLD. And dont bother to prove it to other people if they ask aboutit by showing them what you did to win the competition, if they learn wushu before, they'll roll on the floor and laugh. WLD pattern are created by CB wong, nobody recognise it.

There is a lot of phrase he likes to use when he talk to his students, here are some exmple :
  • "you must continue learn WLD, Cause you are (colour ) belt already, if stop now, very wasted" ( who cares about the belt, Wushu has no belts with colour)
  • "WLD is also Wushu, is same one" ( my ass, since when a proton with BMW sport rim is called BMW)
  • "after learning WLD, you all must take exam every 3 months" (he actually force his caoch to make their pupil take exam, even as a coach also got sales target to hit. since he claim he is the head judge of WLD, guess who benefit if more people take part in grading)
If i have to go on, is really not going to stop. why not you readers out there give comment.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Below is a comparison of Wushu and WLD

, also known as modern wushu or contemporary wushu, is both an exhibition and a full-contact sport derived from traditional Chinese martial arts. It was created in the People's Republic of ChinA after 1949, in an attempt to nationalize the practice of traditional Chinese martial arts. Most of the modern competition forms (套路 taolu) were formed from their parent arts (see list below) by government-appointed committee.

WLD is a combination of martial art which involve self-defence, wrestling, boxing, Thai-boxing, grappling, free sparring or Sanshou, traditional pattern, foundation of International Compulsory Pattern, which is developing rapidly in Malaysia. WLD emphasizes the art of free sparring or Sanshou, apart from the set of fixed movements which is commonly called pattern or Taolu.

Wushu Events

I am not going to describe in details because most people know Wushu better. If you really want to Know more, go wikipedia search wushu
  • Short Weapons
    • Dao (single-edged sword)
    • Jian (double-edged sword)
    • 太極劍 Taijijian (Taiji double-edged sword)
    • 南刀 Nandao (Southern single-edged sword)
  • Long Weapons
  • Sanda/ Sanshou ( Wushu Sparring)
WLD Events

Barehands : The founder of WLD created 8 pattern himself ( about the founder, i ll write about him in the next blog), he learned TKD, Karate, Akido and many other martial arts before, but didnt really achieve much, or else he wont be jumping from 1 martial arts to the other so often, or maybe he wants to be the next bruce lee. The pattern are name after the organisation name, so i am only going to call it WLD 1, WLD 2, WLD 3...........WLD 8
And WLD also teach Sanda, which is the only thing recognize by Wushu Federation of Malaysia.

Major Competitions

List of major international and regional competitions featuring wushu:

National level competitions featuring wushu:
  • Sukma
  • National Wusuh championships
  • National Junior Wushu Championships

Basically, If u learn WLD, you also can take part in those competition above, but............ only in Sanda event. The thing is , not every major competition has sanda event, and sanda event is only for age 15 and above.
If you ask why i can't join WLD pattern, is because it is not recognise. WLD pattern are created by the founder, therefore only recognise by him and his organissation. afterall, who is he anyway?


Since 1998 the Chinese Wushu Association together with the National Sport Commission and the Chinese Wushu Research Institute has established a graduation system based on nine Duan levels:

Symbol: Duan Wei (level)

Beginning Level:

So-called basic duans for students with some years of experience.

1. Qingying—yi duan: Blue Eagle
2. Yinying—er duan: Silver Eagle
3. Jinying—san duan: Gold Eagle

Intermediate Level:

Middle-level duans for wushu students who are able to teach and have approximately 10 years wushu experience. Starting from 5th Duan there has to be proof of a scientific work in wushu research, i.e. publications.

4. Qinghu—si duan: Blue Tiger
5. Yinhu—wu duan: Silver Tiger
6. Jinhu—liu duan: Gold Tiger

Advanced Level:

Advanced level is only awarded to very experienced masters with excellent reputation in Wushu. The person awarded such a Duan is officially allowed to call himself "Grand Master".

7. Qinglong—qi duan: Blue Dragon
8. Yinlong—ba duan: Silver Dragon
9. Jinlong—jiu duan: Gold Dragon

White Belt Grade Ten
Yellow Belt Grade Nine
Green Belt Grade Eight
Orange Belt Grade Seven
Blue Belt Grade Six
Purple Belt Grade Five
Brown Belt Grade Four
Pink Belt Grade Three
Red Belt Grade Two
Black Belt Grade One

Black Belt 1st Degree
Black Belt 2nd Degree
Black Belt 3rd Degree
Black Belt 4th Degree
Black Belt 5th Degree
Black Belt 6th Degree
Black Belt 7th Degree
Black Belt 8th Degree
Black Belt 9th Degree

Is true that wushu has no belts with colour, so people stop asking this question. Even if you achieve black belt 100th degree, it is still only be recognise by WLD. Nobody will care. Go to China and tell those SIFU, "i am WLD black belt", you are lucky if they dont kick you and just laugh. Sad to tell those WLD Black belt out there, U spend time and money on someting only recognise by WLD. who actually benefit fr it, the founder of cos.

P/S: to parents out there, if you just found out this and you think your son or daughter has reach a very high level in WLD, and you want them to continue because of the black belt, i really have to tell you wat i think. You are wasting ur money and ur children time.
example 1 : if 1 day u sent ur children to a college and didnt know that college wasnt recognise by any1, even though ur children have 1 more semester to finish her study. will you still ask him/her to finish her study there?
example 2 : u sent your kids to a primary school, then 1 day u find out they are not teaching UPSR syllabus, they are teaching something they created and only recognise by themselves. U think is a good idea to continue studying there?